We know e-bikes are faster and easier to ride but are they also safer than a bicycle? New data from Bikmo shows this may be true!
In July 2020, Bikmo, a bike insurer, released data that stated e-bikes are the safer choice over a bicycle. It was found that e-bike riders had 38% less insurance claims on average in Europe. Let’s dig a bit deeper and discuss why e-bikes are safer than a regular bicycle and which option is best for you!
Why E-Bikes Can Be Safer Than a Bicycle?
1. Speed
You may think because e-bikes are faster this means they are more dangerous. However, it’s often believed that faster bikes, to a certain point, are actually safer. Riding your bicycle at a slower pace can cause you to be in a dangerous riding area for a longer amount of time than you would be if you were to ride e-bikes.
2. Other Insurance Claims
Insurance claims aren’t always specifically about safety, and we have to take into account that the insurance claims Bikmo was reporting on could include theft or even accidental damage to a bicycle. E-bikes are generally more expensive than a bicycle, so an e-bike rider is much more likely to properly lock their e-bike than a bicycle rider. E-bikes are also bigger and more durable than a bicycle, which can affect whether it is safer or not, but also means they are less likely to be damaged than a bicycle from everyday wear and tear.