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How You Can Prevent Daylight Savings Time Fatigue with These Top Tips

Posted Mar 10th, 2021 in Motorcycling Tips

Rider’s fatigue happens often and quickly, even before you realize you’re tired and especially on Daylight Savings Time. Read our fatigue tips that will help you to stay alert and safe while you ride!

How You Can Prevent Daylight Savings Time Fatigue with These Top Tips, StreetRider Insurance, Ontario

Our bodies are likely to experience fatigue when we change the clocks, however, Daylight Savings Time isn’t the only day of the year we need to pay attention to our energy levels. Prevent fatigue year round with our awesome tips below.

Daylight Savings Time Fatigue Tips


You have to allow your body to adjust to the new Daylight Savings Time hours. Take some extra time to rest whether it is a longer night’s sleep or a nap during the day. Sleep is never a bad idea! Even on road trips your body needs time to adjust, especially at the beginning of a long trip. We suggest taking breaks at least every 60 minutes to manage your energy and avoid fatigue. Daylight Savings Time isn’t the only day you can be tired which is why it's important to be prepared for this and other riding scenarios that could negatively impact your ability to ride. 

Caffeine and Alcohol

No alcohol – obviously! It's best to avoid alcohol even the day before a ride as it hinders your sleep quality; even with 8 hours of sleep, you are likely to experience fatigue the following day. Although caffeine gives you a quick energy boost, our tip is to avoid this as a quick fix. Caffeine does not boost alertness so never rely on it to help fight fatigue. The best tip to keep in mind: caffeine is NEVER a substitute for much needed rest or sleep.


Best way to ensure you don’t experience fatigue on the road? Whether it be Daylight Savings Time or not, the answer to no fatigue is simple – rest. There are no other tips or solutions that will keep you safe and alert while riding. Rest as much as you can. If you are on a long road trip and want to wake up early to start your ride, ensure you had a full night’s sleep by going to bed early the night before. If you find that even after a solid sleep you are still experiencing fatigue, our best tip is to play it safe and take an extra day to rest. Fuel your body with some good food and wait until the following day to head out on a long ride!

Daylight Savings Time causes many of us to experience fatigue, so it is especially important to follow our tips in order to stay safe while out riding. Don’t let something as avoidable as fatigue be the reason your safety or the safety of others is in jeopardy.


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