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4 Tips for Couples Going on Motorcycle Trips

Posted Aug 5th, 2020 in Motorcycling Tips

Going on a motorcycle trip with your significant other creates a deep connection and lasting memories - and they are really fun! Plus, Ontario has some of the best locations to experience! Before leaving, check out our helpful tips to make your couples trip more enjoyable! 

4 Tips for Couples Going on Motorcycle Trips, StreetRider Insurance, Ontario

The couple that rides motorcycles together stays together! In order to have the best experience on your next motorcycle trip in Ontario, we have some great tips for you and your special co-pilot.

Top 4 Trip Tips for Motorcycle Couples

#1 The Route

    We suggest picking a route that is close enough to home for both of you to enjoy - Ontario is a great backdrop for the best trips! If you choose a relatively close route, you won’t have to spend the entire time navigating your way there and will be able to take it all in from the very beginning. Shorter trips often mean less stress!

    #2 Ride Length

    Riding with a loved one is a special experience. You will want to have time to enjoy the scenery and all the stops along the way. This is why we recommend a trip no longer than 400km/day to ensure you will have lots of time to enjoy the whole experience.

    #3 Stops and Resting Locations

    Ontario is a beautiful province that has so many riding routes we think you’ll love. Northern Ontario Travel has some great routes and stops that we highly recommend you check out! 

    #4 Planning the Trip

    It’s always a good idea to plan out your trip a few days prior so you can ensure you know what to expect and where you will be going. This will allow you to focus on your time together rather than being distracted by the navigation. We suggest you use this website to plan your trip! Planning your trip ahead of time means you can research fun places to stop along the way.

    The most important thing is to enjoy the moment! We hope these tips help make your next couple's motorcycle trip the best one yet! Also, feel free to show us where you've been by submitting your touring pictures to us.

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