Here at SnapQuote we’re all about providing you with information so that you can make the best insurance decisions for your lifestyle. Check out the top car insurance lessons from our ninjas.
When it comes to car insurance it can get a bit confusing…
Recently, out of nowhere, my parents told me I had to start paying for my car insurance on my own policy. So I went directly to our SnapQuote Ninjas and asked them for advice. Here are the lessons they imparted to me.
#1 Select a car within budget
It’s important you figure out if the car you’ve been eyeing fits into your budget. Considering your monthly car costs should be within 10% of your monthly income, it’s easily something that can push you over budget. Don’t forget the costs that come directly after the purchase – for example, gas, car insurance, and even maintenance.
#2 You get what you pay for...
Many of us are looking for the best rate possible, the challenge is, that mentality can end up causing us more harm than good. When it comes to your car insurance you need to make sure you have proper coverage, as that should be more important than cost; especially considering we’re most likely to get in an accident when we’re young.
#3 Always ask questions
Don’t be afraid to ask questions, the more you ask the better you’ll understand your insurance coverage. Remember, you have a right to feel 100% confident in the options you’ve selected when it comes to your car insurance.
#4 Don’t text and drive
You’ve heard it a million times, yet you refuse to think it could happen to you. The facts are that texting and driving is the leading cause of death for young drivers and those who text and drive are 8 times more likely to get into an accident.
We hope that these lessons help you make informed decisions when it comes to your car insurance.
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